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Industry Sponsored Session - The advantages of continuous visualization of the airways
Mert Sentürk
Mert Sentürk
Javier Lasala
Javier Lasala
Marcelo Gama De Abreu
Marcelo Gama De Abreu
Rene Horsleben Petersen
Rene Horsleben Petersen
George Christodoulides
George Christodoulides
Gabriele Casso
Gabriele Casso
EACTAIC eAcademy. Presenters F. 10/27/21; 346515
Mert Sentürk
Javier Lasala
Marcelo Gama De Abreu
Rene Horsleben Petersen
George Christodoulides
Gabriele Casso
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Chair: M. Sentürk (Istanbul, Turkey)

14:00-14:10  Improving OLV procedure cost effectiveness through continuous visualization
Speaker: J. Lasala (Anderson, USA)

14:10-14:20 Improving safety through continuous visualization of the airways
Speaker: M. Gama de Abreu (Dresden, Germany)

14:20-14:30 The contribution of continuous visualization at OLV surgery from Thoracic Surgeon perspective
Speaker: R. Horsleben Petersen (Copenhagen, Denmark)

14:30-14:40 The advantage of continuous visualization with VivaSight SLT and EBB at difficult airways
Speaker: G. Christodoulides (London, United Kingdom)

14:40-14:50 Improving ergonomics and work flow through continuous visualization of airway in minimally invasive cardiac surgery
Speaker: G. Casso (Lugano, Switzerland)

14:50-15:00 Q&A
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