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Perioperative Challenges for Heart Transplantation - Faculty Room
EACTAIC eAcademy. Faculty / Presenter(s) . 02/25/21; 315475
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This activity  will be hosted on May 31, 2020 17:00 - 19:30 CET (GMT 4pm - 6:30pm).

17.00 - 17.20 The role of Total Artificial Heart Transplantation in the management of end-stage heart failure. - Vera von Dossow, Bad Oeynhausen, Germany
17.20 - 17.40 The current status of DCD and DBD heart transplantation - N. Marczin, Harefield Hospital London, United Kingdom
17.40 - 18.00 Primary Graft dysfunction after heart transplantation - Eric de Waal, Utrecht, The Netherlands
18.00 - 18.20 Intensive care management of heart transplantation - Antonio Rubino, Cambridge, United Kingdom
18.20 - 18.40 Non-cardiac surgery in Heart Transplanted patients - Andrea Szekely, Budapest, Hungary
19.05 - 19.10 Wrap-up and adjourn - Nandor Marczin

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